SGS Swiss Implant Systems libraries enable simple and easy design and manufacturing of customized restorations and support all SGS Dental implant platforms.
Select the digital restoration solution of your choice.
Exocad CAD-CAM library for Exocad. Version number: 2024.1 (2022.08.10.) (small Analog Library Update) As of February 2018 the library is available in Exocad by default.
Amann Girrbach CAD-CAM library for Amann Girrbach. Version number: 2.0 (2018.06.28.) Installation of implant library in Ceramill Mind CAD software here.
Dental Wings, 3shape, AmannGirrbach and Exocad are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners: Dental Wings LLC., 3Shape A/S, Amann Girrbach AG, Exocad GmbH.